Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Blog for Blog's sake!

I read a while back on one of my favorite Blogger's blog(one that is in the Technorati 100) that if you want to have a "successful" blog, it should be something that you run out of passion and out of your own interests. This made sense to me. When I wrote in the past, I wrote because it was fun for me. Then I started reading about people making a shitload of money off their blog. That kind of changed it for me. I started trying to build "That" blog. You know, the one that makes your dreams come true. Long story short, it didn't happen in like, 5 posts so I lost the passion for it. I forgot about the basics. I forgot about the times where I was writing on Live Journal and Open Diary for the fun of it, just to see what the hell I could put out there and the strange ways I could interact with the world.

A friend of mine, who coincidentally, introduced me to the whole "blog" concept back in the Open Diary days, reminded me of this today.

So nothing worth a shit to read yet, but hang tight, I'll be throwing some awesome stuff out real soon here!

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